FLAC to Vorbis Free Convert is an extremely simple conversion tool that allows you to transform your FLAC audio files into the Ogg Vorbis format. The re-encoding process takes place in just one step, without requiring any intermediate decompression. The simplicity of the interface provided guarantees its use by all types of users.
The limited functionality that this converter offers makes it a very easy-to-use application while limiting its output capabilities. FLAC to Vorbis Free Convert comes with two (and two only) output profiles – one for FM quality (96 Kbps) and another one for telephone quality (48 Kbps). It is true that the Vorbis codec works perfectly for medium- to low-quality audio files (especially when transmitting audio via the telephone line), but it is a pity that no other bit rates can be used with this free tool, especially knowing that this codec is capable of producing audio files with a high-quality bit rate of up to 500 Kbps.
Though it is an extremely easy to use tool, you need to know that no batch-conversion capabilities have been implemented. This means that the conversion process needs to be launched on a file-by-file basis. Thus, FLAC to Vorbis Free Convert is probably the right choice for those who need to convert a limited number of audio files from FLAC to Ogg and who are not too picky with the output audio quality.